Offering ONE

Suspendisse tellus sem, interdum quis sollicitudin in, eleifend eu nunc. Nullam dapibus eu ligula non molestie. Nullam mattis ultricies sapien vel venenatis. Mauris ultricies augue non quam bibendum, eget aliquet risus efficitur. Morbi purus augue, gravida eget risus eu, porttitor pellentesque turpis. Maecenas sed ornare urna, vel interdum risus. Sed porttitor orci ac vehicula mollis. In eu leo lacus. Suspendisse tellus sem, interdum quis sollicitudin in, eleifend eu nunc. Nullam dapibus eu ligula non molestie.


  • Description text goes here
  • Description text goes here
  • Item description
  • Description text goes here


  • The first session will be approximately 120-150 minutes.

    The follow up session be approximately 75-90 minutes.

  • If training session is 20 miles or less A one time Travel Fee of $25 will be added to the total for addresses 20-35 miles of Tune-Up Pup K9 Academy.

    A one time Travel Fee of $40 will be added to the total for addresses 35-50* miles of Tune-Up Pup K9 Academy.

    *options available for outside 50 mile range of Tune-Up Pup K9 Academy.

  • You will receive multiple tools to help you achieve success with you dog. Tools will very based on the needs of the dog.

    You will receive:
    - Lead
    - Collar
    - Slip lead

    *If needed:
    Starmark, The Peacemaker… etc

  • The cost is $797

    Many payment options available:
    *Credit/debit card

    Installment payments available through PayPal “Pay in 4”. No interest charged.

    *When paying with credit/debit card or PayPal a 3.9% fee will added

Offering TWO

Offering THREE